Upcoming events

FULL - Love For Kenya Mission Trip
to Mar 9

FULL - Love For Kenya Mission Trip


Plymouth Covenant Church partners with a non-profit organization, Love for Kenya (LFK), to serve and care for girls and boys at Shangilia Children's Home and for 100+ local widows. LFK also supports a medical clinic and serves in the nearby public school.

This trip is appropriate for singles, couples, and families (kids age 7+).  Medically trained participants are welcomed.


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Quest Retreat
to Mar 15

Quest Retreat

Mother/Daughter or Father/Son Retreat

  • Gals in 4th-6th Grade

  • Guys in 5th-7th Grade

(The different grades for our guys and gals is trying to align with the fact that gals mature/develop earlier than guys)

This retreat aims to connect parents with their student and open up conversations that will continue as they grow. We will be talking about issues of identity in Christ, how God created our bodies, sex, and how God has called us to live.

The cost of the retreat is $30 per pair, and scholarships are available.

More info and register >>>

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Do you feel like you’re on the outside looking in? Join us to spend time finding your place and discovering your purpose!

Our next session is March 22nd @ 9am-Noon

Here at Plymouth Covenant we want everyone to belong. Belonging is not just visiting the church, or knowing about our mission; it is taking the steps to go from being a stranger to becoming family. We want our church to become your place where you connect with our family, grow in your walk with the Lord, and make a difference in the world around you.

Welcome Home! You belong here!

More info and register >>>

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Connect Lunch

Connect Lunch

Join us for a Connect Lunch!

Whether you've been with us for a few months, or a few weeks, we'd like to sit around a table with you and connect over lunch. It's a great way to meet some of our staff and others in the congregation.

Childcare is provided!

Register here >>>

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Women's Tuesday Bible Study

Women's Tuesday Bible Study

Join us Tuesday mornings OR Thursday evenings for a special time in the Word together. This Bible study is open to women of all ages in all stages of life! Each week will consist of time in both large and small groups.

*Tuesday mornings (9:30-11:30am) – April 8-May 20
Thursday evenings (6:30-8:30pm) – April 10-May 22

*CHILDCARE AVAILABLE TUESDAYS ONLY: $35 total even if you have multiple kids

This spring we will be going through the 7-week women’s study called “Esther: A Daring Faith for Such a Time As This”by Kelly Minter.

More info and register here >>>

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Women's Thursday Bible Study

Women's Thursday Bible Study

Join us Tuesday mornings OR Thursday evenings for a special time in the Word together. This Bible study is open to women of all ages in all stages of life! Each week will consist of time in both large and small groups.

*Tuesday mornings (9:30-11:30am) – April 8-May 20
Thursday evenings (6:30-8:30pm) – April 10-May 22

*CHILDCARE AVAILABLE TUESDAYS ONLY: $35 total even if you have multiple kids

This spring we will be going through the 7-week women’s study called “Esther: A Daring Faith for Such a Time As This”by Kelly Minter.

More info and register here >>>

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Connected Families Presents: Discipline that Connects with Your Child's Heart

Connected Families Presents: Discipline that Connects with Your Child's Heart

In Discipline That Connects With Your Child’s Heart, you will learn:

  • Practical ways to communicate messages of grace and truth

  • How to discipline in a way that grows wisdom in your child

  • How to keep your relationship strong, not antagonistic

With warmth and grace, Jim and Lynne Jackson, co-founders of Connected Families, will equip you to navigate behavioral issues with love and authority.

Cost is $10 per family and childcare is provided.

More info and register >>>

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Branson Bus Trip
to Jun 7

Branson Bus Trip

This trip is now FULL.

More info (including waitlist) here >>>

Would you like to go on a great adventure? What would it be like to go back in time and visit Jerusalem?  How would you like to experience the sights and sounds of King David or walk with Jesus on His journey to the cross? When did you last take a cruise from high above in the mountains to caverns deep below? This is an adventure you don't want to miss.

Our Senior group is sponsoring a bus trip to Eureka Springs and Branson on June 2-7th, 2025, but you don't have to be a Senior to join us for this trip!

CLICK HERE for more information or contact Pastor Dan Johnson at dan@plymouthcovenant.org or 763-442-0649.

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VBS - Vacation Bible School
to Jun 12

VBS - Vacation Bible School

Preschoolers-Elementary students are invited to join us for the exciting and faith-filled adventure of True North VBS! This fun week will include Bible teachings, crafts, games, worship, snacks, science experiments, and more! We will begin each morning all together in the sanctuary and then split off into age-appropriate VBS experiences.

We have Jesus – our true north! Give kids a rock-solid foundation and point them to Jesus, their unmovable, unshakeable friend forever! 

Kids will experience the ultimate Alaskan adventure where northern lights glow over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and glistening glaciers. As kids trek the tundra, they’ll explore how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today. Pointing them toward Jesus, True North VBS will show them that God is a faithful friend we can always trust. Jesus is our True North!

Cost: $25 per kid* ($50 max per family)
*Click the link below to learn about discounts for friends and volunteers!

More info and register >>>

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Child Dedication

Child Dedication

Families choosing Child Dedication, please use this registration.

Families choosing Infant Baptism, please reach out to char@plymouthcovenant.org for info on the next opportunity.

Learn more about baptism & dedication at PCC >>>

PLEASE NOTE: On June 8th at 11am, there will be a parent class on Child Dedication.
Parent participation in this class is REQUIRED in order to participate in the ceremony.  

Child Dedication is a service for parents who want the blessing of God on their child, but believe baptism is reserved for those who make the choice to be baptized by immersion later in life. In choosing to dedicate their child to Christ, parents are committing and declaring their desire to dedicate their child to the Lord. Their commitment is to raise their child in the love of Christ. They, with God’s help and the help of the Church community, desire to be examples of God’s grace and love. They are anticipating the day when their child will make a personal commitment to love, follow, and serve Jesus. 

More info and register >>>

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FULL - Alaska Christian College Mission trip
to Jul 19

FULL - Alaska Christian College Mission trip



MISSION PARTNER: Alaska Christian College

TRIP DATES: July 12-19, 2025





PARTNER DESCRIPTION:  Plymouth Covenant Church partners with Alaska Christian College which empowers Alaska Natives through a biblically-based life-changing education that equips students with life skills, education, and spiritual development.

PURPOSE/ACTIVITIES: 1. Helping build and maintain a healthy infrastructure for Alaska Christian College. 2. Build relations with ACC. 3. Encourage staff and students

 PARTICIPANTS: families, individuals with specialized skills like motor repairs, carpenters, painter, etc.


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Love For Kenya Mission Trip
to Jul 27

Love For Kenya Mission Trip



TRIP DATES: July 16th-27th, 2025



TRIP LEADER AND CONTACT PERSON: Lisa Bennett (lisabennett1217@gmail.com)

PARTNER DESCRIPTION: PCC partners with a non-profit organization, Love for Kenya (LFK), to serve and care for girls and boys at Shangilia Children's Home and for 100+ local widows. LFK also supports a medical clinic and serves in the nearby public school. PCC also partners with Pastor Timothy in the Kibera slums.

PURPOSE/ACTIVITIES: One objective on this mission trip is to build meaningful relationships at Shangilia Children’s Home, with the widows, at the local church, and with Pastor Timothy in the Kibera Slum. We also hope to share the gospel and meet felt needs throughout the village of Luciola. Our main activities while in Kenya will be to minister to the orphans and widows at Shangilia, support Pastor Timothy in the Kibera Slum in Nairobi, do listening prayer and share the gospel.

PARTICIPANTS: Participants should be age 18 or older (children with parents are welcome), have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, be teachable, have a heart for God and others, be flexible, be interested in evangelism in the public school and community, and would love to work with children, adults and widows. We welcome families with children aged twelve and older. Also, people that are interested in evangelism in the public school and community. 


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Light of Hope Mission Trip
to Aug 15

Light of Hope Mission Trip


MISSION PARTNER: Light of Hope School & Home for Girls

TRIP DATES: August 1-15, 2025 (may be adjusted slightly)




TRIP LEADER AND CONTACT PERSON: Mark Boldt (mboldt13@gmail.com) and Anne Boldt (aboldt123@gmail.com)

PARTNER DESCRIPTION:  Plymouth Covenant Church partners with Light of Hope in Kenya, a girl’s home and school ministry that brings hope and restoration to young, broken lives through the love of Jesus Christ.

 PURPOSE/ACTIVITIES: This trip seeks to love and continue to develop friendships and relationships with LOH girls and staff; demonstrate spiritual and emotional care for the students and staff; show love and care by providing opportunities to come alongside through projects, crafts, games and singing. 

PARTICIPANTS: People of faith who have a desire to experience Global missions, to serve Jesus out of love and compassion, to go into the world and spread the Gospel. This trip would also be open to medical and dental care givers who wish to experience health care in a low-resource country.


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Family Lent Event - Countdown to Easter

Family Lent Event - Countdown to Easter

Come learn about Lent and how your family can participate in it!

The event will cost $20 per family which covers: 

  • Dinner for everyone

  • Family Prayer Jar

  • Book: 40 Daily Family Devotionals from Ash Wednesday until Easter

  • Family Project: Decorating a pot and planting seeds to watch them grow

Families are encouraged to attend our Ash Wednesday service together afterwards at 6:30pm.

Register today >>>

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Adopt-A-Night at RockBridge Treatment Center

Adopt-A-Night at RockBridge Treatment Center

On Tuesdays, PCC is invited to a social night at RockBridge Treatment & Recovery! This newly opened treatment center provides high quality treatment services for men and women facing a Substance Use Disorder and Co-occurring Mental Health Issues.

We will play games and build relationships with clients. Many clients choose to attend PCC while in treatment and we hope with love and support from our congregation we can offer them community after their treatment is complete. 

More info and register >>>

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Men's Broomball

Men's Broomball

Men, are you looking for some fun this winter? Are you looking to connect with other men and play some broomball?  If so, join us EVERY Monday night in January and February on Fish Lake in Maple Grove for a night of broomball. Broomball sticks provided, just show up with warm clothes and be ready to have fun and connect! Bring a friend or two!

WHEN: Mondays (Jan. 6, Jan. 13, Jan. 20, Jan. 27 & Feb. 3, Feb. 10, Feb. 17, Feb. 24th)

WHO:  Men (18+)

BRING: Warm cloths and a friend or two

QUESTIONS? 612-381-7420  (Jon Overlie’s Cell #) 

More info and register >>>

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Infant Baptism
to Feb 23

Infant Baptism

Families choosing Infant Baptism, please use this registration.

Families choosing Child Dedication will be able to register for an upcoming ceremony soon. Dates TBA.

Learn more about baptism & dedication at PCC >>>

Sign up here to baptize your infant

Infant Baptism is a service for parents who desire for their infant to be baptized. When an infant is baptized we trust the mystery of God’s grace working through the family of God until this child chooses to proclaim that faith as their own. We ask that parents who are choosing Infant Baptism also commit to raising their child in the love of Christ. They, with God’s help and the help of the Church community, desire to be examples of God’s grace and love. They are anticipating the day when their child will make a personal commitment to love, follow, and serve Jesus.    

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New Series and Life Group Launch
to Feb 23

New Series and Life Group Launch

Most of us have asked the question, “Who am I?” and we don’t have to look far to find someone willing to tell us who they think we are or how they think we should view ourselves.  The more important question is “Who I am?” God is the only One who can accurately describe Himself as “I AM.” Throughout the scriptures, God’s nature is described using many different names. Do we have an accurate view? Different aspects of God are revealed through these many names, like a multifaceted diamond or mosaic portrait; each name represents a promise, quality, or characteristic to help us know Him better. It is our prayer that we will come to know who God is in a personal way, not simply to know more about Him. As we move toward the resurrection day, let’s lean in as He reveals Himself to us. Yahweh is the great I AM.

Join a Life Group for this series >>>

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Grandparent Summit

Grandparent Summit

We want to empower Grandparents as they embrace their crucial family role! Experience a fantastic national conference on Christian grandparenting. We will be streaming on our big screen eight different sessions taught by nationally known speakers

Register now to get the "early bird" discount. Don't hesitate and miss this opportunity to grow as a Grandparent.

The Legacy Grandparenting Conference is for you if:
   - You want to see your grandchildren follow Christ
   - You desire to leave a lasting legacy of love
   - You want to influence future generations for Christ

Find out more about the event >>> 

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"Nacho" Typical Friday Night

"Nacho" Typical Friday Night

A Marriage Event for Couples in their 20’s & 30’s

Are you looking to connect with other married couples your age? Have you found your people to do life with? 

Join us in the Cafe for a night of food and fun - nacho Bar, games, connection, and next steps!

This event is completely free including childcare!

More info and register >>>

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FULL - Light of Hope Mission Trip

FULL - Light of Hope Mission Trip


Mission Partner: Light of Hope Home and School for Girls

Trip Dates: February 19 - March 5, 2025

Actual Trip Cost: $2650

Your Deposit: $300

Trip Leader and Contact Person: Dale Folen - dfolen9@gmail.com  and Susan Folen

Partner Description: Plymouth Covenant Church partners with Light of Hope in Kenya, a girl's home and school ministry that brings hope and restoration to young, broken lives through the love of Jesus Christ.



  • Continue to develop friendships and relationships with LOH girls and staff

  • Encourage spiritual growth and emotional development in the girls.

  • Support continued growth of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) teaching at the school.


  • Singing Worship songs and sharing bible verses.

  • Teaching Bible lessons with students.

  • Leading games, working on crafts, and doing fun activities with the girls.

Participants: Adults that love children and mature teenagers that work well with others.


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Adopt-A-Night at RockBridge Treatment Center

Adopt-A-Night at RockBridge Treatment Center

On Tuesdays, PCC is invited to a social night at RockBridge Treatment & Recovery! This newly opened treatment center provides high quality treatment services for men and women facing a Substance Use Disorder and Co-occurring Mental Health Issues.

We will play games and build relationships with clients. Many clients choose to attend PCC while in treatment and we hope with love and support from our congregation we can offer them community after their treatment is complete. 

More info and register >>>

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Men's Broomball

Men's Broomball

Men, are you looking for some fun this winter? Are you looking to connect with other men and play some broomball?  If so, join us EVERY Monday night in January and February on Fish Lake in Maple Grove for a night of broomball. Broomball sticks provided, just show up with warm clothes and be ready to have fun and connect! Bring a friend or two!

WHEN: Mondays (Jan. 6, Jan. 13, Jan. 20, Jan. 27 & Feb. 3, Feb. 10, Feb. 17, Feb. 24th)

WHO:  Men (18+)

BRING: Warm cloths and a friend or two

QUESTIONS? 612-381-7420  (Jon Overlie’s Cell #) 

More info and register >>>

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Serve Connect Lunch

Serve Connect Lunch

Join us to talk about how you can use your gifts to live on mission with Jesus. We will take time to understand the unique gifts and experiences God has given each of us and how those can be used to show love to those around us. 

We will share a meal and conversation. You will be provided with next steps so you have a clear direction on where you can serve. 

All ages are welcome! There are opportunities to serve for everyone. Childcare will be provided for our littles. 

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40 Days of Prayer Celebration

40 Days of Prayer Celebration

Join us for a Night of Celebration as our 40 Days of Prayer Series comes to an end. Together we will worship, pray, and take some time to share what we have seen God doing! All ages are welcome!

We'll meet in the sanctuary and close out the night with refreshments in the cafe.

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Adopt-A-Night at RockBridge Treatment Center

Adopt-A-Night at RockBridge Treatment Center

On Tuesdays, PCC is invited to a social night at RockBridge Treatment & Recovery! This newly opened treatment center provides high quality treatment services for men and women facing a Substance Use Disorder and Co-occurring Mental Health Issues.

We will play games and build relationships with clients. Many clients choose to attend PCC while in treatment and we hope with love and support from our congregation we can offer them community after their treatment is complete. 

More info and register >>>

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Prayer and Worship Tuesdays

Prayer and Worship Tuesdays

At Plymouth Covenant, we desire to be a church that is fueled by the Holy Spirit and prayer.

One hour of prayer Tuesdays mid-day: We invite you to an "open house style" hour of prayer from 12-1pm on Tuesdays. Please enter through door one; our Refinery will be set up and open.

Prayer and worship on Tuesday evenings: Join us from 6:30-7:30pm. Please enter through door one; we will meet in the Refinery. 

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Men's Broomball

Men's Broomball

Men, are you looking for some fun this winter? Are you looking to connect with other men and play some broomball?  If so, join us EVERY Monday night in January and February on Fish Lake in Maple Grove for a night of broomball. Broomball sticks provided, just show up with warm clothes and be ready to have fun and connect! Bring a friend or two!

WHEN: Mondays (Jan. 6, Jan. 13, Jan. 20, Jan. 27 & Feb. 3, Feb. 10, Feb. 17, Feb. 24th)

WHO:  Men (18+)

BRING: Warm cloths and a friend or two

QUESTIONS? 612-381-7420  (Jon Overlie’s Cell #) 

More info and register >>>

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Cross Training School

Cross Training School

Our church functions better when Jesus is at the center, we are being transformed by Jesus and our entire church is fully mobilized to reach the person who does not have a relationship with God. Participants of Cross Training School will be prepared to go out into the Plymouth, Maple Grove, and the surrounding areas to make disciples.

Cross Training School is a series of classes designed to equip adults. These classes are intentionally designed to prepare adults with the necessary skills to follow Jesus and make disciples.

More info and register >>>

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Impact All Nighter
to Feb 8

Impact All Nighter

Join us for 12 hours of crazy fun where sleep is optional but getting more connected with others and God is not. Along with our favorite church games- dodgeball, TIGER, capture the flag, we also will have some gameshow battles where students compete in groups against each other.

Cost is $10 and can be paid the night of the event (cash or check.)

We recognize that staying up all night is not for everyone and for those who want they can get picked up at Midnight. Others can bring things to sleep at church. We will have activities planned all night for those who want to stay up all night. We don't want technology to distract us and so we are asking students to NOT bring their phones or to turn them in. If we see them we will take them and return them at the conclusion of the event.

We think this is a great event to invite a friend. Everyone who attends will need a PCC Medical Release filled out from this school year and will need to register in advance.  Space may fill so don't delay in getting registered.


>> PCC Annual Medical Release Form

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Snowfest - Men's Snowmobile Retreat
to Feb 9

Snowfest - Men's Snowmobile Retreat

Do you like to snowmobile? Do you want to get connected with some other men at Plymouth Covenant Church? Then join us for 2025 Snowfest.  What a great way to connect, be challenged, have great food, snowmobile and hangout with a bunch of guys in the Lake Vermillion area for a weekend.

SPACE: Space is limited to 12 men (first come, first serve)


  • Lodging: $180 total ($60 per night for 3 nights)

  • Meals: $40 to cover breakfasts and 1 dinner

More info and sign up here >>>

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Adopt-A-Night at RockBridge Treatment Center

Adopt-A-Night at RockBridge Treatment Center

On Tuesdays, PCC is invited to a social night at RockBridge Treatment & Recovery! This newly opened treatment center provides high quality treatment services for men and women facing a Substance Use Disorder and Co-occurring Mental Health Issues.

We will play games and build relationships with clients. Many clients choose to attend PCC while in treatment and we hope with love and support from our congregation we can offer them community after their treatment is complete. 

More info and register >>>

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Prayer and Worship Tuesdays

Prayer and Worship Tuesdays

At Plymouth Covenant, we desire to be a church that is fueled by the Holy Spirit and prayer.

One hour of prayer Tuesdays mid-day: We invite you to an "open house style" hour of prayer from 12-1pm on Tuesdays. Please enter through door one; our Refinery will be set up and open.

Prayer and worship on Tuesday evenings: Join us from 6:30-7:30pm. Please enter through door one; we will meet in the Refinery. 

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Men's Broomball

Men's Broomball

Men, are you looking for some fun this winter? Are you looking to connect with other men and play some broomball?  If so, join us EVERY Monday night in January and February on Fish Lake in Maple Grove for a night of broomball. Broomball sticks provided, just show up with warm clothes and be ready to have fun and connect! Bring a friend or two!

WHEN: Mondays (Jan. 6, Jan. 13, Jan. 20, Jan. 27 & Feb. 3, Feb. 10, Feb. 17, Feb. 24th)

WHO:  Men (18+)

BRING: Warm cloths and a friend or two

QUESTIONS? 612-381-7420  (Jon Overlie’s Cell #) 

More info and register >>>

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Lunar New Year Celebration

Lunar New Year Celebration

Lunar New Year is a non-religious celebration, celebrated across languages and religious affiliations in South Asia.

We are opening our church to celebrate this important yearly milestone as a welcoming church to our neighbors that the Lord is bringing here.

We will be celebrating this event with dance, music, calligraphy, and history with our neighborhood friends - we would love to spend the evening with you!

All are welcome! The event is free, however, if you want to enjoy Chinese food prior to the celebration, the cost is $5 per adult (12 years or younger are free).

More info and register >>>

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Connect Lunch

Connect Lunch

Join us for a Connect Lunch!

Whether you've been with us for a few months, or a few weeks, we'd like to sit around a table with you and connect over lunch. It's a great way to meet some of our staff and others in the congregation.

Childcare is provided!

Register here >>>

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Tuesdays with Tiffany - Women's Bible Study

Tuesdays with Tiffany - Women's Bible Study

Join us Tuesdays (mornings or evenings) for a special time in the Word together. This Bible study is open to women of all ages in all stages of life! 

STUDY: Read the 1st chapter of each book of the Bible

MEETING DATES/TIMES: Tuesdays Jan 21-Apr 29 
(9:30-11:30am) or (6:30-8:30pm)

CHILDCARE COST (available mornings only): $70

More info and register >>>

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Adopt-A-Night at RockBridge Treatment Center

Adopt-A-Night at RockBridge Treatment Center

On Tuesdays, PCC is invited to a social night at RockBridge Treatment & Recovery! This newly opened treatment center provides high quality treatment services for men and women facing a Substance Use Disorder and Co-occurring Mental Health Issues.

We will play games and build relationships with clients. Many clients choose to attend PCC while in treatment and we hope with love and support from our congregation we can offer them community after their treatment is complete. 

More info and register >>>

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Prayer and Worship Tuesdays

Prayer and Worship Tuesdays

At Plymouth Covenant, we desire to be a church that is fueled by the Holy Spirit and prayer.

One hour of prayer Tuesdays mid-day: We invite you to an "open house style" hour of prayer from 12-1pm on Tuesdays. Please enter through door one; our Refinery will be set up and open.

Prayer and worship on Tuesday evenings: Join us from 6:30-7:30pm. Please enter through door one; we will meet in the Refinery. 

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Tuesdays with Tiffany - Women's Bible Study

Tuesdays with Tiffany - Women's Bible Study

Join us Tuesdays (mornings or evenings) for a special time in the Word together. This Bible study is open to women of all ages in all stages of life! 

STUDY: Read the 1st chapter of each book of the Bible

MEETING DATES/TIMES: Tuesdays Jan 21-Apr 29 
(9:30-11:30am) or (6:30-8:30pm)

CHILDCARE COST (available mornings only): $70

More info and register >>>

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Men's Broomball

Men's Broomball

Men, are you looking for some fun this winter? Are you looking to connect with other men and play some broomball?  If so, join us EVERY Monday night in January and February on Fish Lake in Maple Grove for a night of broomball. Broomball sticks provided, just show up with warm clothes and be ready to have fun and connect! Bring a friend or two!

WHEN: Mondays (Jan. 6, Jan. 13, Jan. 20, Jan. 27 & Feb. 3, Feb. 10, Feb. 17, Feb. 24th)

WHO:  Men (18+)

BRING: Warm cloths and a friend or two

QUESTIONS? 612-381-7420  (Jon Overlie’s Cell #) 

More info and register >>>

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