
Believer Baptism

The celebratory rite of baptism is open to all regular attendees of Plymouth Covenant. You do not have to be a church member, but you must be able to speak briefly about your personal decision to commit your life and will to the care and control of Christ.

Our pastoral team conducts all believer baptisms during specially scheduled worship services throughout the year. These services can be scheduled as needed, but are usually conducted sporadically throughout the year.

Baptism For Kids

Is your kid interested in baptism? Kids in 2nd grade or older are welcome to fill out the form (alongside their parent/guardian) to get connected with Pastor Sara!

Child Dedication & Infant Baptism

Plymouth Covenant Kid's Ministry offers Child Dedication or Infant Baptism for parents who acknowledge their desire to raise their child to love, follow, and serve Jesus, along with the support of the church congregation.

Plymouth Covenant Church finds value in both practices but also values the importance of the child developing their faith in Jesus Christ when they are old enough to make that choice.

Because we value the participation and commitment of our church community in the lives of all our kids, we ask that anyone considering either Child Dedication or Infant Baptism be regular attenders and call Plymouth Covenant their church home.

Registration is required for both Child Dedication and Infant Baptism. Parent class participation is required before each ceremony. See details below.


Our next Ceremony
will be June 14/15, 2025
with a required parent class on
June 8th at 11am.


Our next Ceremony
will be announced soon.

Have Questions?

Talk to someone to learn more about baptism or child dedication at Plymouth Covenant by calling the office Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 3:00pm, or by filling out the form.