The Shepherd Team consists of members of the congregation that are elected to focus on God and our vision as they guide our ministries and guard our spiritual climate. They oversee and direct the staff, ministries, our church business affairs, and spiritual welfare of our congregation.
Meet our Shepherds
Joe Keller | Chair
John Hilbelink | Vice Chair
Sonja Hettinga | Secretary
Ruth Buezis
Roger Christensen
Kurt Nelson
The Trustee Team consists of members of the congregation that are elected to manage our business affairs and equip the church’s ministries. They are responsible for the operations, maintenance and the stewardship of our facilities, properties, resources, and finances.
Meet our Trustees
Shane LaFave - Chair
Bryan Johnson
Brian Menke
Mindy Reid
Victor Sugumar
Kathy Waters
The final authority on important decisions lies with the members of Plymouth Covenant Church, not with ministers, officers, or the denomination. Church members direct our mission, approve an annual budget, and elect our Shepherds and Trustees. Congregational business meetings are held about once or twice a year following the weekend worship services. On special occasions, the Shepherd Team will invite the congregation to a dialogue meeting where we can discuss proposals and prayerfully discern God’s will together.