FuneralS & Weddings


At Plymouth Covenant Church, we want to bring comfort, peace, and hope to those grieving the loss of a family member or friend.  Our staff and facilities are available for funerals for immediate family of those who are regular attenders at Plymouth Covenant Church.  Upon the death of a loved one, you may contact our office at 763-559-4300 Monday–Thursday, 9:00am–3:00pm. Outside of these hours, click here and email a pastor.


Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!  We look forward to helping you in every way we can to make your wedding ceremony a wonderful occasion.  Because of the many ministry demands of our church, our facilities are only available for weddings of those who are regular attenders of Plymouth Covenant Church or their immediate family (children, step-children, parents).  Contact the church office at 763-559-4300 for more information